First European Meeting on Acromatopsies and Monochromatism of the blue cones

Associazione Acromati Italiani is pleased to invite you to the first European Meeting on Achromatopsies and Blue Cone Monochromacy which will take place on October 20/21, 2018 in Mestre, (Venezia) Italy at Russott Hotel.

The protagonists of the Meeting will be the Presidents or representatives of the European Achromats Associations. Participation in the Meeting is a chance to compare, learn, develop projects and make concrete commitments to achieve greater visibility that will see us united in marking the path for future gene therapy.
We would like to listen to your experiences as an association of patients in your country and, in this regard, we invite you to write a report and present it during the days of the Meeting.
The Meeting also wants to compare experiences between achromats and Italian and European families, reflect on the various paths and eventually formulate new proposals, keeping in mind that together we are rare but we are many.

Speakers will be:
Dr. Susanne Kohl – Institute for Ophtalmic Research – Tuebingen University, Germany
Dr. Cristiana Marchese – former Medical geneticist at Ordine Mauriziano – Turin, Italy
Dr. Renata Sarno – BCM Families Foundation – President
Italian and foreign oculists and orthoptics

To participate in the Meeting it is necessary to register (click here to register) and no participation fee is required. Program and indications for registration will follow shortly.
Remaining at your disposal for any further clarification, I send you the best greetings hoping of being able to meet you in Mestre.