The “Spoken book”

by Francesco Fogliani

Source: News of the Italian Achromats Association ONLUS – June 2002
The National Centre of Spoken Books lends for free books and magazines recorded on audio cassettes on behalf of the Italian Union of the Blind.
With this issue of our newsletter you will also receive a brochure with the instructions on how to use the service.
We received an invitation to give you notice of this service by the Centre itself and we are glad to suggest it to you. The people willing to use it, can request it directly to the nearest Regional Centre, which will send you the catalogue (over 10,000 books) on which you will indicate your choices. Afterwards, you will receive some nice small leather briefcases containing the tapes that you can listen to and return at the end of the listening.
The service is free, you do not even need to pack the tapes, you will only have the responsibility to go to the nearest post office for collection and for the subsequent shipment.